Mar 16, 2009

Fug Madness '09

Oh. Hey. Long time no blog, sorry. I've been busy getting into grad school, and picking my horses for Fug Madness '09 (click to enlarge):

I see it coming down to Aubrey O'Day, Joaquin Phoenix (Wow. Just, wow on the look lately), Tilda Swinton (aaghHH!) and Mischa Barton. While it could really be anyone's game, I pick Mischa because... I don't know. She's got that fugly something.
Download your own chart at Go Fug Yourself and join in the fun. 

Jan 6, 2009

Ready or Not?

Are you ready for 2009?
I'm sad because my friend pointed out that this is the last time we can wear those 2009 glasses with the zeros as eye-holes. They'll probably still work it with 2010. But 2011? Only one eye hole. Sad.

My Christmas was spent in awesomeness at Andrew's parents' cabin in Idaho. It snowed a whole bunch and the boys cut us down a Christmas tree. We skiied and jacuuzied and made a very chubby snowcat with icicle whiskers. I hope everyone had a lurvely holiday, too.
I'll know if I was ready for 2009, soon enough. I take the CSET on Saturday verrrrry early in the morning. You should SEE the size of the book I've been studying. I don't know how I could possibly retain it all, but I'm going to knock this out like I'm the Michael Phelps of standardized testing. 
Then my first grad school application is due on the 15th. 
I have 45 hours of volunteer work due by Feb for another application. 
My roots are growing out fast because it's cold.
Ohhh January- I've never been a fan.

On the happier side, once I'm done with all this work I get to play more: new year= new tax period= I can finally get my business up and running= LAUNCH PARTY!! Stay tuned.

Much love in this new year. 
XOX- Jennaye

Dec 20, 2008

The Happiest Place with No Sense of Humor (Yet Has Real Cats)

Yesterday I got to go to Disneyland, the first time I've ever gone at Christmas time. The decorations were superpretty and I can't get over how cool Haunted Mansion is now that they have it all decorated like the Nightmare Before Christmas (I can't imagine how long it took, the re-did everything from the rooms to the music to the holograph mirrors. The best part is the banquet room with the gingerbread coffin because they pipe gingerbread cookie smell into the ride). HOWEVER. I have a bone to pick with Guest Services...

A friend of mine once enlightened me on the fact that they won't ask to see your ID if you tell guest services that it's your birthday, I imagine because most people in their key demographic (ie kids!) don't carry around a driver's license/birth certificate/copy of their last Sprint bill. I've made it my tradition to get a birthday button first thing when I get to the park. There aren't any special benefits to having one; I get it because apparently it's a rule that all Disney employees who cross your path that day are required to tell you happy birthday. The MOST FUN part is that they will usually try to say your name, too, which is written on the button in black sharpie. Since they don't ask for an ID, I use fake names that are hard to pronounce or fun in some way to inject a little humor into my day (my favorite was "Svetlana," because the guy who wrote it on my button had terrible hand-writing and Disney employees were tripping over it all day calling me Smelta or Svenn and looking really embarrassed). Anyways. Back to my point on how much I hate the button-writer that was working the customer service desk yesterday:

In the car on the way there we were discussing the name I should get on my button. Since all 4 of our favorite book is "Bigfoot: I Not Dead," which I strongly recommend, we decided I needed to be Bigfoot, and that we were going to write our own sequel called "Bigfoot: Me Go Disneyland," for which I would run around the park in my Bigfoot button and pose for blurred photographs. All agreed this was genius. When the birthday button lady asked for my name I said "Bigfoot" with pride. Then it all went wrong. She paused, the tip of her sharpie on the button, looked at me flatly and said without a hint of irony, "Is that the name on your identification?" 
I wish I had said yes. If she'd asked to see my ID I would have pointed out that I'm 13 (are they allowed to second-guess your AGE as well as your name???). You should have seen this face/tone combination though. I told her no, it was my awesome nickname. 
"We don't do that." Again with the Look. I couldn't even think of an alternate I was so stunned by her lack of Fun. So I went through my fake birthday as "Heather," and my friend Heather was "Heidi," and we did not have as much fun being Heather and Heidi the Swedish twins as I would have had hearing: "Happy Birthday Bigfoot, your party can sit in row 5" at Star Tours. I wonder if they tell 3 year olds named Fantasia or Bambie to come back with some ID.

PS: Andrew and I saw a REAL CAT running around Frontierland, and when we informed a park employee they told us there a LOTS of them living in and around Disneyland. I guess they handle all the rats that can't cook French cuisine or design ballgowns. Later on a cashier at Space Mountain said the one we saw was named Tigger. I only mention this because I think finding cats anywhere is fun. 

Dec 9, 2008

Mooning Over...

I don't know if it is awe of the Infinite, or the nut brown-porter-stout triple crown I drank at Hamilton's tonight (sorry Gabe, for how much we talk about your cats when I'm drinking...or sober ...) but the clear December sky tonight is just SOOOO pretty. I came home and saw this week's Alec Thibodeau print on Tiny Showcase, and want to share it with everyone who still gets butterflies when the sky is cold and clear and the air smells like artificial fire...
"Goes to Show You What A Moon Can Do 2009 Lunar Calendar" by Alec Thibodeau. Go get one of the limited prints at Tiny Showcase if you can, but they're going fast...

Dec 4, 2008

Project Runway: X-mas Tree Challenge

This Christmas I've vowed to make my own cards and decorations. Thanks to all who voted in the How Should I Decorate My Christmas Tree? poll. "Bands & Songs" tied "Things That Live in Trees" as the top two themes, so we flipped a coin and "Bands" won. Then I said: let's do tree things instead. Andrew and I slaved over Target balls and origami paper for like, 2 hours. Here is a sampling of the winning tree theme incarnate:

   Cat tree-topper, Nest, & Doves Ball
   Butterfly & Green Mamba
  Owl & The Artists

Nov 29, 2008

It Will Be Mine. Oh yes:

Thank you Black Friday Sale. I finally have Guitar Hero. And a programmable coffeemaker.