Jan 6, 2009

Ready or Not?

Are you ready for 2009?
I'm sad because my friend pointed out that this is the last time we can wear those 2009 glasses with the zeros as eye-holes. They'll probably still work it with 2010. But 2011? Only one eye hole. Sad.

My Christmas was spent in awesomeness at Andrew's parents' cabin in Idaho. It snowed a whole bunch and the boys cut us down a Christmas tree. We skiied and jacuuzied and made a very chubby snowcat with icicle whiskers. I hope everyone had a lurvely holiday, too.
I'll know if I was ready for 2009, soon enough. I take the CSET on Saturday verrrrry early in the morning. You should SEE the size of the book I've been studying. I don't know how I could possibly retain it all, but I'm going to knock this out like I'm the Michael Phelps of standardized testing. 
Then my first grad school application is due on the 15th. 
I have 45 hours of volunteer work due by Feb for another application. 
My roots are growing out fast because it's cold.
Ohhh January- I've never been a fan.

On the happier side, once I'm done with all this work I get to play more: new year= new tax period= I can finally get my business up and running= LAUNCH PARTY!! Stay tuned.

Much love in this new year. 
XOX- Jennaye

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